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Office of the Provost, Division of Academic Affairs, University of Maryland


Global Classrooms Initiative Call for Proposals

Dear University of Maryland Faculty:

I am pleased to announce the launch of the University of Maryland's "Global Classrooms Initiative." Attached, you will find a Call for Proposals. The Global Classrooms Initiative provides financial support to faculty to develop innovative, project-based courses that bring together UMD students and students from partner universities around the world using various digital technologies. These exciting new courses aim to provide our students with international experiences that mirror the kind of work they will encounter throughout their lives: cross cultural, project-based and virtual. 

For more information on the Global Classrooms Initiative, please contact Dr. Raluca Nahorniac in the Office of International Affairs at

For more details see the call for proposals: Call for Proposals

For an application see: Application Form

Thank you,

Ross Lewin, PhD 
Associate Vice President for International Affairs