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Office of the Provost, Division of Academic Affairs, University of Maryland

Leadership Areas

Changes to Individual Courses

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In order to create a new course, modify an existing course, or retire an existing course, an academic unit must submit a proposal through the University's course review process. The process is also known as the "VPAC" process, named after the Vice President's Advisory Committee, the campus-level committee that reviews course proposals. 

The course proposal, review, and approval process is entirely online. The CourseLeaf Curriculum Management System (a.k.a. CIM, pronounced Kim) is used for submitting and reviewing course proposals. Our CIM help page provides information about using this system.

Course Review Process

The VPAC course review process can be fairly quick and proposals are often completed within 6-8 weeks. Proposals normally originate in an academic department and require the following approvals: 

  • Review and approval by the Department Committee for Programs, Curricula and Courses (Department PCC) 
  • Review and approval by Department Chair 
  • Review and approval by the College/School Committee for Programs, Curricula and Courses (College PCC) 
  • Review and approval by the Dean (or the dean's delegate, who in most cases is also the college's VPAC Representative.) 
  • Initial review by the Provost's Representative for compliance with campus policies. 
  • Review by VPAC representatives, who identify any areas of concern. 
  • Final review and approval by the Provost's Representative. The proposal is then forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for implementation. 

For details on individual proposals, including approved proposals and the status of proposals that have not yet been approved, faculty and staff may view the proposal in the CIM Course module. Contact our office for course proposal information from before Fall 2019.

The Role of the Vice President's Advisory Committee (VPAC)

The Vice President's Advisory Committee (VPAC) is appointed by the Senior Vice President and Provost. The committee membership consists of representatives from each academic college and school, as well as ex officio members from Academic Affairs, the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Extended Studies, and the Teaching & Learning Transformation Center. VPAC advises the Provost on the implementation of University of Maryland academic policies and procedures related to courses approved for academic credit, and acts with the delegated authority of the Senate Committee on Programs, Curricula, and Courses (See Article 6.8.f) (plain text). The VPAC forum allows colleges and schools to stay informed of course changes elsewhere on campus, and to identify potential problems for resolution.

Please Note:  Any course proposal that would affect a program curricular requirement (for example, a credit change for a required course) will be held until the program proposal is approved. For information on changing the curriculum of a minor, certificate, or academic degree program, please see our information on the Programs, Curricula, and Courses (PCC) process.

For information on proposing a course for a General Education designation (a separate process), please consult the Office of Undergraduate Studies.