Centers, Institutes and similar groups and organizations form useful devices for organizing faculty and staff from different disciplines to focus on teaching, research, and/or service in an area of common interest. Centers and Institutes should be justified on the basis of their contributions to specified missions of research and service and by their relationship to instructional programs at the institution. The establishment of these units is governed by University System of Maryland rules and University of Maryland institutional rules. In brief, the proposal is submitted to Academic Affairs by a Dean (or Deans) after approval by the College(s) PCC Committee(s). Issues to be addressed in the proposal are laid out in the institutional rules document. Prior discussion with the Office of the Vice President for Research may be helpful. The Provost may approve the establishment of a Center. Establishing an Institute requires the approval of the President, who must inform the Chancellor of the fact.
Centers and institutes are expected to be reviewed on a periodic basis for continued viability, relevance, compliance with safety and regulatory requirements, and contribution to the University’s mission.
Our office keeps a list of centers and institutes. Contact our office for more information.