The Academic Planning Advisory Committee (APAC) was created on the recommendation of the College Park Senate, to advise the Chief Academic Officer concerning academic issues with a significant resource implication. APAC has been involved in various initiatives over the years, including creation/elimination of academic units or programs, strategic planning, major revisions of the undergraduate curriculum, resource reallocation, and the distribution of enhancement and research initiative funds.
APAC is appointed by the Provost, in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee. The 1988 Senate legislation states that "a majority of the members shall be full-time tenured faculty members who do not hold a position at the level of department chair or higher." A 1992 amendment states that "the Provost shall appoint a staff member from the Division of Academic Affairs." While members of APAC are chosen with a balance of academic areas in mind, they act as individuals, and rather than representatives of a particular constituency, they are chosen to represent the best of us. As stated in the Senate task force report, "they should be chosen for their judgment, commitment to the campus, scholarship, and teaching accomplishments and should represent a diversity of disciplines, experience, and perspectives."
Description Updated August 6, 2015
Senate Documents explaining the history and establishment of APAC
Jennifer King Rice
Senior Vice President and Provost
Elizabeth Beise
Senior Associate Provost
James Butler
Associate Professor, Public Health
Sarah Dammeyer
Senior Lecturer, English
Don DeVoe
Wilson H. Elkins Professor and Associate Chair of Research & Administration, Mechanical Engineering
Rebecca Hann
Assistant Dean of Doctoral Programs / Dean’s Professor of Accounting / KPMG Term Professor
Clara Irazabal-Zurita
Professor of Urban Planning and Director of Urban Planning and Studies
Ginger Jin
Professor, Economics / ADVANCE Professor
Alan Kaufman
Professor, Geology
Melanie Killen
Distinguished University Professor, Education
Will Reed
Assistant Provost for Academic Planning
Efrain E. Rodriguez
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Kimberly Schmidt
Assistant Dean Finance & Administration, School of Public Health
Linda Steiner
Professor, Journalism
Rohan Titekar
Associate Professor, Nutrition and Food Science