Announcing the Assistant Provost for Academic Planning

Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that Dr. William Reed, Professor and Chair of the Department of Government and Politics in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, has been named Assistant Provost for Academic Planning in the Office of the Provost. He will begin this new role on July 16, 2023.
Working alongside Dr. Betsy Beise, Senior Associate Provost, Dr. Reed will provide strong and visionary leadership in the oversight, establishment, and review of academic programs, units, centers, and institutes. He will work together with colleges, departments and the Provost’s senior leadership team to carry out these responsibilities. As Assistant Provost, he will partner with the Graduate School, the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Faculty Affairs in the development, implementation and interpretation of academic policies and procedures. He will also work collaboratively with campus shared governance bodies such as the Provost’s Academic Planning Advisory Committee, the Graduate Council, and the University Senate to support excellent academic planning and programs. Other responsibilities include coordinating specialized accreditations, overseeing distance education and serving as the university’s liaison with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Will is a Professor in the department of Government and Politics, serving as its department chair since 2020. He brings a wealth of expertise in political science and has been instrumental in steering the department to new heights of excellence. He has served on numerous campus-wide committees and working groups and with the University Senate and its various committees, including the Senate Executive Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, and the Academic Procedures and Standards Committee, participating in several working and design thinking groups for PTK and TTK faculty workload. He currently chairs the Plan of Organization Review Committee. A Big-10 DEO and UMD ADVANCE Leadership Fellow, Will is a leader who champions diversity, equity, and inclusion and places value on organizational efficiency, with a strong record of supporting students, faculty, and staff at UMD.
Will has a distinguished record of scholarly achievement and creative activity. He has published numerous articles in top-tier academic journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, American Political Science Review, and the Journal of Conflict Resolution. He has received several grants and awards, including support from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, and the Army Research Lab.
I would like to thank Dr. William Cohen, Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Studies for serving as chair of this important search. I also extend my thanks to the search committee for excellent work in identifying an outstanding group of finalists.
Please join me in congratulating Will in his new role in the Office of the Provost.
Jennifer King Rice
Senior Vice President and Provost